Sunday, December 26, 2010

Post Christmas Day Food Coma

Oh. My. Gosh. Dinner last night was incredible. Seriously, I don't think I've eaten so many different delicious things in the span of two and a half hours before.

It was amazing. And we all were (mostly) able to keep the gorging to a minimum so that we could actually make it through all seven courses.

Course 1: Chicken Soup

Course 2: Antipasta

Course 3: Lasagna

Course 4: Italian Sausage, Braicole, and Meatballs

Course 5: Roasted Capon and Brussel Sprouts

Course 6: Fruit

Course 7: Cream Puffs

There are so many leftovers. We're all going to be living on this food for weeks.

And of course, it woudn't be a traditional Italian Christmas dinner without several bottles of wine and champagne.

Yum. Seriously seriously good food. And it was an awesome experience. I'm not sure if it will happen again, but I wouldn't be opposed to cooking that much food again just for the experience.

And now, I'm going to eat a giant meatball sandwich now and try to recapture last night. 

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